I’ll get right to the answer. There isn’t one.
There are lots of multilevel marketing companies out there. And if you want to join one for business reasons you should do lots of research on the company and its compensation plan. Let’s leave all that for another blog post. Let’s just talk about the people who just want to use the products and get them at the best price possible.
Is there a membership fee? Sort of and No. No if you just order retail. Sort of if you want wholesale pricing (24% less than retail).
Unlike many other MLM companies, there is NO MEMBERSHIP FEE to enroll in Young Livings wholesale membership. Instead, you make a one time purchase of a starter kit. That means you get product for your money. Always. And to keep your membership active, you need to order 50pv (usually equalling $50) of product in a 12 month cycle. Money for product. Always. And even if you go “inactive”, all that means is that you can’t order online. You need to call customer service. They’re super nice so it’s really fine if you call.
So unlike Sam’s Club, Costco, & most other MLM companies, there is no membership fee in the regards that you get nothing but a membership for your money. With Young Living you’re making a purchase. And while they may tell you there are no monthly minimums in their companies, they are requiring you to pay money for the possibility that you may order during that year or that month. With YL if you don’t order in a year its fine by us! The next time you want to order, you just need to call. See how that works?
No commitment if you don’t want to make one. And if you do and then you want out….well that’s ok too. No penalties. No hidden fees or dues. We just go separate ways. And then you can always come back. 🙂