Little known fact about me. I don’t know everything. Crazy, right? I know, you’re shocked. But seriously, one thing I do have is an open mind and I’m willing to learn and actually be wrong about things. Now anyway. When I was younger, notsomuch.
Some background. I started massage therapy school back in 1997. This was my first exposure to “alternative” healing. This entire school of thought was so foreign to me. I took it all in, slowly. Too slow. Maybe because I'm a Sicilian gal from Long Island. Chip. On. Shoulder.
Fast forward to early 2012, I had a cracked tooth that needed a new filling. It had cracked years before and the dentist at that time told me I’d have to have the filling replaced eventually. He was right. My new dentist filled it, and it cracked again pretty quickly thereafter. He fixed it again and not long after that, it cracked again. This time it really hurt. I ended up needing a crown. No shock. I was a Long Island Princess, after all.
Enter 2013. That darn tooth still hurt. Went back to the same dentist (no idea why I did that) he told me I “needed” a root canal. Went to an oral surgeon and he did his thing. Went back to the dentist (still a glutton for punishment I suppose) and he replaced my crown for me.
Moved to NC in the fall of 2013. We weren't here for more than a month and my crown fell off! It was like I was demoted or something. Had that replaced with a much fancier ceric crown. Better material, so yay. Turns out, the reason I needed the root canal in the first place was because of how the dentist fitted the first crown. Fabulous.
Fast forward to today. I have an infection in that canal and the tooth needs to be extracted. Fun times!
Over the years I have learned so much about keeping your body healthy, naturally. The last 7 years I’ve learned a TON. Man was I wrong about so much. For one, if I had to do it all over again, I would not have had a root canal. I would have tried to save the tooth (see video for those ideas) or had the tooth pulled completely. Never, ever, have a root canal. You’re just setting yourself up for problems in the future. I mean, you do you, but in the very least ask around. And don’t be so closed minded about “alternative” methods, aka Ancient Medicine. But that’s topic for another day.
Till then, Tooth 19, it was nice knowing ya. Now I need to support my Lungs and Large Intestine.