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Writer's pictureChristie Chadwick

Christmas gifts for them & you!

So it’s no surprise that I’m a fan of Young Living Essential Oils. It’s also no big shock when I get excited about the promotions that Young Living offers each month. There are usually 3 levels of qualifying orders. Some months I don’t get any. Most, I do the lesser. I rarely do the middle and then those crazy months I go for the gusto with the biggest. It just so happens that the past three months YL has totally exceed all expectations and I’ve gone for the biggie three months in a row! And this month they have their largest promotion ever!! Just in time for Christmas (or which ever holiday you happen to celebrate. Gifts like these aren’t biased)!

Today I wanted to share ideas on how to not feel guilty about starting your journey with YL by going all in and spending quite a bit of money. Honestly my health is my most important gift to myself, and using essential oils and plant based products makes sense for me. Having said that, I know the struggle you may perceive with the cost is real for you, just as it had been for me. So let’s see how we can get you started AND get some of your Christmas shopping done!

Let’s go over the promotions first, and then how you can get them. This month you can get up to $278.61 (retail value) worth of free products with a qualifying order! That is insane! Like I mentioned, there are three different levels. They go as follows:

300PV (personal volume) 15-ml Lavender essential oil L’Briante’™ Neutral/Winterscent lip gloss ((EDIT: This item has gone out of stock. You will receive 30 Rewards points in its place)) Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Black Pepper essential oil The Everyday Oils Collection  – 10 5-ml bottles of our most popular oils

250PV 15-ml Lavender essential oil L’Briante’™ Neutral/Winterscent lip gloss ((EDIT: This item has gone out of stock. You will receive 30 Rewards points in its place)) Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Black Pepper essential oil

190PV 15-ml Lavender essential oil Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Black Pepper essential oil

dec  2015 yl promo

You can view the promotion details here. 

Now, if you are not a member you should become one. You do NOT have to be a wholesale member to receive most of these goodies, but you will pay 24% more if you order as a retail customer. So for the sake of simplicity, I’m going to go over this as if you are becoming a member. 92% of our customers go this route.

To become a wholesale member, you are required to make a one time purchase of a starter kit. The most common one is our Premium Starter Kit. There are a few different PSK’s to choose from, but the key here is that all the PSK’s have a personal volume (PV) of 100. And since we’re looking to build your PV to get the goodies, you may not want to spend more money than you need to.

Now let’s just list some gift ideas and their PV value.

Ortho Sport Massage Oil for the athlete in your life – gym teacher perhaps. 34.75PV Sensation Massage Oil for your spouse (really for you). 34.75PV Thieves Spray 3pk – for people who don’t like germs (teachers love these!) 23.75PV You’re now qualified for the 190PV freebies*. 

Add: Lavender Volume Shampoo – for your friend with hair. 19.75PV Lavender Mint Daily Conditioner – because your friends hair should be soft. 19.75PV Lavender Bath & Shower Gel – maybe she’ll think you think she stinks? 18.50 You’re now qualified for the 250PV freebies*. 

Add: Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste  5 pk – Stocking stuffers. 28PV Stress Away Roll On – for you because this is so stressful. 28.75 Now you have now qualified for ALL the free promotions (*aside from the Black Pepper in which you need to place an order in Essential Rewards). 

Now that you’ve got all this free stuff coming your way, you can either gift them to family and friends or keep them all for yourself! But you must act fast. I promise you that some of these items will go out of stock. YL will replace the freebie out of stock items with something of similar value, but if you have your heart set on something then you must step up. And sure its sad when something goes out of stock, however Mother Nature can not be rushed! At least not in the pure, un-tampered with sense. Gary Young will not compromise quality for quantity. A bad batch of essential oil will not be pushed out to the masses. And if a crop isn’t ready to be harvested, then we won’t harvest. Visit our Seed to Seal site to learn more about our amazing commitment to bringing the best products to our customers.

Are you ready to get started? Join our TriHarmony Oilers team and not only will you be a part of Young Living, but you’ll be plugged into a team of women and men who are there to support and encourage one another, not only using and sharing their experiences with YL, but also with personal and business development. We’re all over the US and even in some other countries around the world! We’d love to have you on our team so you can  Dare To Live The Life You Love!

Enroll here. Learn more about YL here.

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